Russian Federation, Krasnodar Krai, Novorossiysk
Date of placement: 15.06.2022
Effective date: 15.06.2022
This document, in accordance with the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a proposal of an Individual Entrepreneur Dmitry Igorevich Titkov (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor), sent to capable individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), to conclude a contract for the provision of paid services (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) to provide the paid functionality of the Service on the terms set out below. MAKING A PAYMENT AND / OR STARTING TO USE THE PAID AND FREE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SERVICE, MAKING REGISTRATION/AUTHORIZATION (P. 7.1 OF THIS DOCUMENT), YOU AGREE TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE CONTRACTOR, ON THE TERMS SET OUT BELOW, ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND SERVICES UNCONDITIONALLY.
- Terms and definitions.
1.1. The following terms are used in this Agreement in the following meanings:
Authorization – granting a certain person or group of persons the rights to perform certain actions; as well as the process of verifying (confirming) these rights when attempting to perform these actions. This means that some person is “authorized” to perform this operation – and means that he has the right to it.
Acceptance of the offer – the response of the person to whom the offer is addressed, about its full and unconditional acceptance, by means of performing the actions described in paragraph 7.1. of this document.
A bot is a special program that performs any actions automatically and/or according to a set schedule via a messenger.
Refund of payment – an operation initiated by the Contractor in accordance with the rules of the applicable Payment System. The result of the “Refund” operation is the debiting of funds from the Contractor’s account and crediting to the Customer’s account.
Data – information and content uploaded by the Customer to the site resources using the Service.
Statistical data – data of the automated accounting systems of the website information in electronic form, which may also contain information about the volume of Services rendered, the amount of remuneration and other information related to the use of the Service and the provision of Services under the Contract.
Contract – a paid contract for the provision of services for the provision of paid functionality of the Service between the Customer and the Contractor, which is concluded by Accepting the Offer.
Documents – an integral part of this document/Offer:
The User Agreement for Individuals is available at:
The User Agreement for persons who are not residents of the Russian Federation is available at:
The User Agreement for Legal Entities is available at:
Privacy Policy, available at:
Tariff Guide, available at:
Customer – a person who has accepted the Offer, concluded a Contract with the Contractor in this way, and is the customer of the services provided under the concluded Contract.
The contractor is an individual entrepreneur Dmitry Igorevich Titkov, who performs services for providing paid functionality of the Service to the Customer.
Personal account – a section of the site located at:, which contains Statistics on the Services provided to the Customer, as well as provides the opportunity to order additional Services and remote interaction of the Parties under the Contract, available to the Customer after authorization on the site.
Messenger is a client program for a smartphone or personal computer that allows you to instantly exchange text messages, phone calls in instant messaging systems (IM-Instant Messenger).
Invalid – the amount of the transaction, determined as such in accordance with the rules of the Payment System.
Option – additional functionality of the Service provided for a fee, not included in the cost of the service provided or / and changes in the billing period of the service provided and its cost.
Offer – this document “Offer for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of paid services”, an offer addressed to an indefinite circle of persons, posted at a proposal containing all the essential terms of the Contract, from which the will of the Contractor making the offer is seen to conclude a Contract on the terms specified in the offer with anyone who responds.
User – an individual, Internet user, authorized and / or registered on the TGSCOUT Website using the Site Interfaces, who has agreed to enter into a Contract on the terms of the Offer, located at: who has accepted the terms of the Offer and the Agreement, located at:, using the paid and free functionality of the Service.
Working day – a day that is not recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as a weekend and (or) a non-working holiday.
Billing period – the period of time during which access to the selected Service is granted.
A reverse transaction is a financial and informational message that the Contractor sends to the Payment System to cancel a previously sent transaction. As a result of processing this message, funds are debited from the Contractor’s account and credited to the payer’s account.
Failure – any event that the Service is not functioning correctly.
Service-applied service model SaaS (English software as a service – software as a service) is a form of cloud computing, a service model in which users are provided with ready-made application software on the Internet. With the use of this service, the Contractor provides Services under the Contract. The contractor in this service model independently manages the application, providing Customers with access to functions from client devices.
The Party-the Contractor or the Customer.
The Parties are jointly the Contractor and the Customer.
Services – services provided under the concluded Contract, the list, descriptions and price of which are located in the tariff directory at the address:
1.2.In this document, terms that are not reflected in clause 1.1 may be used, and therefore, the interpretation of such a term is made in accordance with the text of the Offer.
In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Offer, you should be guided by the interpretation of the term defined: first of all-by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and then-by the established (commonly used) on the Internet.
- Subject of the Agreement.
2.1. The subject of the Contract is the provision of Services by the Contractor on a paid basis to the Customer on the terms set out in the Contract.
2.2. A detailed description of the Contractor’s Services that the Customer can order is available at:
- General Terms of Service.
3.1. The Contractor begins to provide Services under the Contract after the Acceptance of the Offer.
3.2. A prerequisite for the provision of Services is the acceptance and compliance by the Customer with the requirements and provisions set out in this document, as well as defined by the following documents:
The User Agreement for Individuals is available at:
The User Agreement for persons who are not residents of the Russian Federation is available at:
The User Agreement for Legal Entities is available at:
Privacy Policy, available at:
Tariff Guide, available at:
3.3. The Customer does not have the right to transfer its rights under the Contract to any third Party.
3.4. The Customer is solely responsible for the safety and confidentiality of the registration data (login, password, code, etc.). All actions performed through the Personal Account after authorization using the login and password belonging to the Customer are considered to be performed by the Customer, and the Customer is responsible for such actions.
3.5. The Customer acknowledges that for the purposes of the Contract, in particular, to determine the amount of remuneration, as well as the time of rendering the Service, only Statistical Data is used.
3.6. The Customer accepts and agrees that the provision of Services is carried out using software tools that operate on an “as is” basis, subject to the terms of the Agreement. The Customer accepts and agrees that the provision of Services to the Customer does not guarantee compliance with the goals and expectations of the Customer, as well as the Contractor does not guarantee the uninterrupted and error-free operation of the software and technical means of the Service used for the purpose of providing Services.
- Rights and obligations of the Parties.
4.1. The Contractor undertakes to:
4.1.1. Provide Services in accordance with the Contract concluded on the terms of the Offer.
4.1.2. To provide the Customer with the opportunity to get acquainted with the Statistics Data through the Personal Account, and the Contractor is not responsible if it is impossible for the Customer to get acquainted with the Statistics Data for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor.
4.2. The Contractor has the right to:
4.2.1. Require the Customer to provide the necessary information and documents in accordance with the legislation and for the performance of the Contract.
4.2.2. Involve third parties in order to provide all or some of the Services, while remaining responsible to the Customer for the consequences of non-performance or improper performance of obligations by third parties engaged by the Contractor to provide such Services.
4.2.3. Temporarily suspend the provision of Services and / or access to the Service for the period of routine maintenance / repair measures in relation to the software and hardware used by the Contractor in the provision of Services, as well as in the case of software and technical problems in the operation of such software and hardware for the time of elimination of such reasons.
4.2.4. Suspend the provision of Services and / or access to the Service and / or to the Customer’s Data and / or cancel the Contract ahead of schedule unilaterally out of court by notifying the Customer, if:
1) the customer has violated the obligation assumed in accordance with the Contract;
2) presentation to the Executor of the relevant legal claim of the competent authority and / or a court decision.
At the same time, if the Customer made an operation to pay the amount for the Service at the selected tariff, before the occurrence of such circumstances in this Billing Period, the payment is not refunded, and the amount of such operation cannot be “invalid”.
4.2.5. Restrict access to the Customer’s Data (part of it) or delete the Customer’s Data (part of it) if the Customer refuses the Services;
4.2.6. Delete the Customer’s Data if the Customer does not use the Service for a long time (more than one year).
4.2.7. Make changes to the Offer and other documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document in accordance with the procedure established by Section 8 of this document.
4.3. The Customer undertakes to:
4.3.1. Provide the Contractor with information and documents necessary and sufficient for the performance of obligations under the Contract, in accordance with written and oral requests of the Contractor’s specialists.
4.3.2. At the request of the Contractor, within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of this request, provide duly certified copies of documents confirming information about the Customer.
4.3.3. Do not use the Service in ways prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are not directly provided for in this Offer and the Service documentation posted at:
4.3.4. Independently and in a timely manner get acquainted with the changes made to the Offer and/or Documents on the official website of the Contractor Untimely familiarization of the Customer with the changes made is not a reason for their non-application by the Contractor.
4.3.5. Do not transfer your registration data to third parties.
4.3.6. Do not use the Service for the following purposes:
1) to create Internet services, computer programs or otherwise, if such use entails a violation of the current legislation, the documents specified in clause 3.2 of the Offer, and/or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties;
2) to create services and products, to provide services for the resale of Services or the functionality of the Service.
4.3.7. Not to transfer to the Contractor as part of the data or information specified in paragraph 4.3.1 of this document that is a secret protected by law or related to personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3.8. In the event that the impossibility of fulfilling the obligations under the Contract arose due to circumstances for which neither of the parties is responsible, the Customer shall reimburse the Contractor for the expenses incurred by him. If the Customer made an operation to pay the amount for the Service at the selected tariff, before the occurrence of such circumstances in this Billing Period, the payment is not refunded, and the amount of such operation cannot be “invalid”.
4.4. The Customer has the right to:
4.4.1. In case of disagreement with the changes made by the Contractor to the Offer and other documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document, before making payment, to cancel the Contract unilaterally, notifying the Contractor in writing no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of posting these changes, before the entry into force. The Contract is considered terminated from the moment the Contractor receives the notification of the Customer.
4.4.2. The Customer has the right to cancel the Contract unilaterally and terminate the Contract after performing the operation to make the payment amount for Services at the selected tariff, notifying the Contractor in writing. In this case, the payment is not refunded, and the amount of such an operation cannot be “invalid”.
- Payment procedure and amount of remuneration.
5.1. The Contractor’s remuneration for Services rendered under the Agreement is calculated in accordance with the selected Service in the tariff directory. The tariff directory contains information about all the services provided, namely: name, description, billing period, price.
5.2. The Contractor has the right to review and change the amount of remuneration in accordance with the procedure established in Section 8 of this document.
5.3. The remuneration of the Contractor under the Contract does not include VAT, provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation by virtue of paragraph 3 of Article 346.11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
5.4. The services are provided to the Customer on the terms of advance payment. The Customer makes a payment in the amount of 100% (One hundred percent) of the total cost of the ordered volume of Services. The fact of payment is a full and unconditional acceptance of the Service provided, the Service is considered to be provided by the Contractor properly and accepted by the Customer.
5.5. The Customer’s payment obligations are considered to be unfulfilled if the Contractor has made a refund at the request of the payment organization. In this case, the Contractor has the right to refuse the Customer access to the paid functionality of the Service from the moment of refund.
5.6. Payments under the Agreement are made in rubles, the currency of the Russian Federation.
5.7. The Customer can get acquainted with the cost of the Services rendered in the Personal Account. The Customer understands and agrees that the Customer’s account balance and other statistical data in the Personal Account are provided solely for informational purposes.
5.8. Payment of remuneration is made in a non-cash manner, in particular by bank transfer or other method acceptable by the legislation of the Russian Federation from among the methods accepted by the Contractor (specified in the section “Payment methods” in the Personal Account). The choice and use of the payment method is made by the Customer at its own discretion and without the stipulated responsibility of the Contractor. Security, confidentiality, as well as other terms of use of the payment method/form go beyond the scope of the Offer and the Contract and are governed by agreements (contracts) between the Customer and the relevant organizations.
5.9. The Customer undertakes, at the request of the Contractor, to notify the Contractor of the payment made with the provision of a copy of the payment document marked by the executing bank (if available for the corresponding payment method).
5.10. The remuneration is considered to be paid by the Customer from the moment the Contractor receives confirmation from the bank that the entire payment amount has been credited to the Contractor’s current account. At the discretion of the Contractor, other confirmation of the fact of payment can be served as:
1) a copy of the payment order with the bank’s note on payment in the non-cash form of payment;
2) a copy of the payment receipt with the seal of the bank through which the payment was made;
3) verification by the Contractor of the fact of payment in favor of the Contractor through interaction with payment systems in the case of payment by the Customer by electronic means of payment.
5.11. If the Customer has a debt under the Contract (including the one that has been terminated), the next payment is sent primarily to repay the existing debt.
5.12. On the day of confirmation of the payment, the Contractor connects the Customer, opening access to the provision of paid functionality of the Service in accordance with the selected Service at the paid rate. At this point, the service is considered rendered.
5.13. Upon completion of the provision of Services under the Agreement (i.e. at the time of payment crediting), the Contractor forms a unilateral act on the Services rendered in accordance with the selected Service at the paid rate. The certificate is issued to the Customer for the purpose of confirming the price/expense committed, and not to confirm the acceptance or refusal to accept the Service provided. If the cost of the services rendered is less than the amount of the advance, the amount of the unspent advance is transferred to the payment for the Services of the next Billing Period.
5.14. When making payments for Services provided for in paragraph 5.3 of Article 1.2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 22.05.2003, the Customer is obliged to indicate in the purpose of payment information about the invoice number issued by the Contractor to the Customer, as well as the name/full name of the Customer. In case of non-receipt by the Contractor, absence, incompleteness and/or unreliability of any of the specified information, the payment is considered to be made only after the Contractor receives from the Customer complete and reliable information about the purpose of the payment in accordance with the above requirements.
- Regulation on the amounts of Refund Operations, Payment Refunds and Reverse Transactions.
6.1. The Customer accepts and agrees that, at the discretion of the Contractor, the following is attributed::
6.1.1. Making a decision on the Refund of the payment to the Customer.
6.1.2. Taking into account the expenses incurred by the Contractor, the amount of the refund operation is determined by the Contractor independently.
6.1.3. In some cases, the decision to make a Reverse Transaction. This operation is applicable only if the Contractor does not bear the costs of refusing to accept such a transaction/payment.
6.2. If the service was not provided due to technical reasons, the User can contact the support service via Telegram @TgScoutBotSupport or by e-mail .
- Acceptance of the Offer and conclusion of the contract.
7.1. The Person accepts the Offer in any of the following ways:
1) by making a payment (pre-payment), on the basis of making a payment by the Customer, the Contractor declares that this fact is the basis for immediate Acceptance of the Offer, thus, the Contract is considered concluded from the moment of making the first payment;
2) starting to use the free and paid functionality of the Service, registering/ authorizing and / or accessing the Service using the Customer’s access details, the Contractor declares that this fact is the basis for immediate Acceptance of the Offer, so the Contract is considered concluded from this moment.
7.2. The actions provided for in clause 7.1 of this Document, performed by the Client, are not considered to be a proper acceptance of the Offer.:
1) a person with whom the Contractor has previously terminated the Contract in connection with the violation of the provisions of the Contract by the specified person;
2) a person who duplicates the Customer, with whom the Contractor previously terminated the Contract, in connection with his violation of the provisions of the Contract.
Such a person is any person other than the Customer who administers the same Chat as the Customer previously.
These actions do not entail any obligations on the part of the Contractor.
7.3. The provisions of clause 7.2 of this document do not apply to cases where the Contractor has performed unambiguous actions indicating that the Acceptance made by the above-mentioned persons is appropriate (for example, has started providing Services).
7.4. The Contractor has the right to independently determine the technical methods of restricting the acceptance of the Offer in relation to the above-mentioned persons. In this case, the funds transferred under the Agreement will not be returned.
- Changes to the terms and conditions and the validity period of the Offer.
8.1. The Offer comes into force from the date specified in the section “Effective date” and is valid until the moment of withdrawal of the Offer by the Contractor.
8.2. The Contractor reserves the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer (including the documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document) and/or withdraw the Offer at any time at its sole discretion.
8.3. If changes are made to the Offer (including the documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document), such changes will take effect from the moment the amended text of the Offer (including the documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document) is posted on the Internet:
The User Agreement for Individuals is available at:
The User Agreement for persons who are not residents of the Russian Federation is available at:
The User Agreement for Legal Entities is available at:
Privacy Policy, available at:
Tariff Guide, available at:
8.4. The Contractor may specify in the section “Effective Date” a different period for the entry into force of the changes for any document specified in clause 8.3 of this Offer.
- Amendment and term of the Agreement.
9.1. Acceptance of the Offer by a person made in accordance with clause 7.1. of this document creates a Contract (in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) on the terms of the Offer.
9.2. Each subsequent payment made by the Customer after the first one automatically prolongs the created Contract.
9.3. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of Acceptance of the Offer by the Customer and is valid:
1) until the termination of the Contract;
2) until the Parties fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.
9.4. The Customer agrees and acknowledges that making changes to the Offer (including the documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document) entails making these changes to the Contract concluded and valid between the Customer and the Contractor, and these changes to the Contract come into force simultaneously with such changes to the Offer (including the documents specified in clause 3.2 of this document).
9.5. In case of withdrawal of the Offer by the Contractor during the term of the Agreement, the Agreement is considered terminated from the moment of withdrawal, unless otherwise agreed by the Contractor when withdrawing the Offer.
9.6. In the event of termination of the Contract under the terms of clause 4.4.2 of this document, the Contractor does not have an obligation to reimburse the Customer for expenses/losses.
9.7. Termination of the Agreement does not release each of the Parties from the performance of those obligations under the Agreement that have already arisen at the time of notification to the other Party.
- Termination of the Contract.
10.1. The Agreement may be terminated:
10.1.1. Any of the Parties unilaterally withdraws from the performance of the Contract by sending a written notice (including by e-mail) to the other Party at least 3 (three) business days before the date of termination.
10.1.2. By the Contractor in the order of unilateral refusal to perform the Contract in case of violation by the Customer of the terms of the Contract immediately with a written notice to the Customer. In this case, the funds transferred under the Agreement will not be returned.
10.1.3. On other grounds provided for by this Offer and / or the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In this case, the funds transferred by the Customer under the Contract will not be returned.
10.2. The obligations of the Parties under the Agreement, which by their nature must continue to operate (including, but not limited to, obligations regarding confidentiality, mutual settlements, and use of information), remain in force after the expiration of the Agreement.
10.3. Termination of the Contract for any reason does not release the Parties from liability for violations of the terms of the Contract that occurred during the term of its validity.
- Warranty.
11.1. The Contractor guarantees that the provision of Services to the Customer under the Contract does not contradict the legislation, the obligations assumed by the Contractor to third parties, and otherwise does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
11.2. With the exception of the guarantees expressly stated in the text of the Offer and the documents referred to in the Offer, the Contractor does not provide any other direct or implied guarantees under the Agreement and expressly disclaims any guarantees or conditions with respect to the Service, Services and/or their compliance with the specific purposes of the Customer.
11.3. By accepting the Offer, the Customer confirms and guarantees to the Contractor that:
11.3.1. The Customer specified reliable data, including personal data (if applicable to the situation), when registering/logging in to the Personal Account and reliable data, including personal data (if applicable to the situation), provided by the Customer for documentation processing.
11.3.2. The Customer agrees to the processing by the Contractor of the personal data specified by the Customer during registration/authorization in the Personal Account/ request for the issuance of documents and/or at the conclusion of the Contract, including the execution by the Contractor of the actions provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, by any means, for the purposes of concluding and executing the Contract.
11.3.3. Customer:
1) fully read the terms of the Offer;
2) fully understands the subject of the Offer and the Contract;
3) fully understands the meaning and consequences of its actions in relation to the conclusion and performance of the Contract.
11.3.4. The Customer has all the rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of the Contract.
11.3.5. The Customer guarantees the legality of the transfer to the Contractor for subsequent processing of the data specified in paragraph 4.3.1 of this document.
- Liability and Limitation of Liability.
12.1. For violation of the terms of the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable as established by the Agreement and / or the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
12.2. The Contractor, under no circumstances, bears any responsibility under the Contract:
1) for any indirect losses and / or lost profits of the Customer and / or third parties, regardless of whether the Contractor could have foreseen the possibility of such losses or not;
2) if the Customer did not add the Bot to the Chat;
3) if the Customer deleted the Bot;
4) if the Customer incorrectly configured the Bot;
5) if the Service is not connected to the Internet and/or to the Contractor’s servers on the Customer’s territory;
6) if there is a failure and / or interruptions in the provision of services to contractors and / or data processing and storage centers, including when performing payment and Refund operations, a Reverse transaction;
7) if there are technical failures and / or interruptions in the provision of Services related to a failure in the services provided by providers to the Contractor.
12.3. If the Customer violates the terms of this Agreement and/or the terms set forth in the Documents attached to this Agreement and/or the procedure for using the Service, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally suspend the provision of Services, the Customer’s access to the Service or refuse to perform the Agreement and demand compensation for losses caused by the termination of the Agreement.
12.4. In any case, the Contractor’s liability under the Contract, including compensation for losses or actual damage for any reason, is limited to the total amount of payments received from the Customer for the Billing Period in which such liability arose.
12.5. Payment of the penalty and compensation for damage does not release the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement. Payment of the penalty and compensation for damages are made solely on the basis of a written claim of the interested Party.
12.6. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under the Agreement, if this non-performance was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, or if the non-performance of obligations by the Parties under the Agreement was the result of extraordinary events that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. The concept of “force majeure”, in this case, is understood on the basis of the definition enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
- Confidentiality.
13.1. Within the framework of the Agreement, the term “confidential information” includes, but is not limited to, organizational and technological, commercial, financial and other information related to the conclusion and execution of the Agreement by the Parties, including text information contained in requests.
13.2. Publication of any references to the Contractor, notification to third parties or an indefinite circle of persons about the fact and / or details of cooperation in connection with the Contract is made only with the prior written consent of the Contractor, except in cases where the provision of relevant information is mandatory in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.3. Confidentiality obligations do not apply to publicly available information or information that becomes publicly known due to circumstances beyond the control of the Parties.
13.4. In the event of intentional or negligent disclosure of confidential information, the guilty Party undertakes to compensate, at the request of the injured Party, the losses caused by this disclosure.
13.5. The term of protection of confidential information is limited by the Parties for a period of 3 (three) years from the date of termination of the Agreement.
13.6. The Parties agreed that the condition of confidentiality of the registration data (including personal data) specified by the Customer during registration/authorization in the Personal Account/ request for documents and/or at the conclusion of the Contract does not apply to the cases when the Contractor uses such data for the purposes of documentation.
13.7. The documents must specify the data (including personal data) and details provided by the Customer.
- Other terms and conditions.
14.1. The Offer, the Contract, its conclusion and execution are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All issues that are not regulated by the Offer or are not fully regulated are regulated in accordance with the substantive law of the Russian Federation.
14.2. In the event of a Failure in the paid functionality of the Service, the Contractor interacts with the Customer via the Technical Support Chat.
14.3. In the event that it is not possible to settle the dispute through negotiations, the Parties shall establish a mandatory pre-trial claim procedure for resolving the dispute.
14.4. Methods of notifying the Parties to this agreement properly:
1) if the Customer sends a notification to the postal address of the Contractor specified in the contract as the ” Address for notifications»;
2) if the Customer sends a notification to the Contractor’s e-mail address specified in the contract as ” E-mail business and accounting document flow»;
3) if the Contractor sends a notification to any of the Customer’s addresses specified during registration/authorization/ request for the issuance of documents.
14.5. If a claim is received, either Party is obliged to consider the claim within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of its receipt and submit proposals for its settlement to the other Party, indicating the terms of settlement.
14.6. In the event of a dispute, the burden of proof of receipt of the notification lies with the Party that sent the notification. If the Party does not prove receipt of such notification, it is considered not sent and in the future the Parties are not entitled to refer to the information specified in this message.
14.7. If the Parties do not come to an agreement on the disputed issues within the period of consideration of the claim specified in clause 14.5 of this document (including in the absence of a response to the claim and receiving a refusal to satisfy the claim), the dispute is subject to consideration in court at the location of the Contractor.
14.8. Any documents received by the Parties to this Agreement via e-mail (E-mail specified during registration/authorization/request for documents / in the power of attorney), notification in the Personal Account, are considered by the receiving Party as original written evidence that clearly expresses the intentions of the Party. The information contained in these messages can be used: in resolving disputes, as evidence of facts, to confirm the price of the committed expenses.
14.9. Any documents (duly executed, signed by an authorized person and stamped) received in the manner specified in clause 14.8 of this document are accepted as original until the original is received. Possible ways to obtain the original: in person, by means of an authorized representative, by mail.
14.10. The Contractor, at its sole discretion, decides to send the originals to the Customer by mail.
14.11. If one or more provisions of the Offer (Agreement) are for any reason invalid, unenforceable, such invalidity does not affect the validity of any other provisions of the Offer (Agreement), which remain in force.
14.12. In any of their activities, the Contractor adheres to the principle of conscientious performance of obligations, making maximum efforts and available means. The Contractor expects from the Customer business behavior and the mutual principle of fair business conduct.
14.13. The Parties acknowledge and confirm that each of them pursues a policy of zero tolerance for violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with economic activities, ensuring faster resolution of certain issues.
14.14. If a Party suspects that a violation of any of the provisions of the Offer has occurred or may occur, the relevant Party undertakes to immediately notify the other Party of its suspicions in writing.
15.Details of the Contractor.
Individual entrepreneur Dmitry Igorevich Titkov
Location address:
53 Lenin Ave., block 33, Krasnodar Krai, Novorossiysk, 353900, Russian Federation.
Address for notifications: 353900, Krasnodar Territory, Novorossiysk, Lenin ave., 53, sq. 33.
phone: +7 (918) 141-59-26
e-mail: technical support
business and accounting document management
TIN 231517644544, OGRN 313231504500039
Current account 40802810230000035716
in the bank KRASNODAR BRANCH N8619 PJSC SBERBANK Correspondent account 30101810100000000602
BIC: 040349602